Watch this how-to-us Video

Or read the Instructions Manual below.

Instructions Manual

  • 1) The first step is to install the application.
  • This can be done from Google Play (for all users of Android) or App Store for Apple users (iOS).
  • Enter in the site and search application: “PCH Prevention and Control of your Health
  • You can also access and site, which takes you to the app.
  • Once found application click “Install“, is free. (img 1.)
  • 2) Now you have the app installed.
  • The next step is the registration/login (see the registration form – img 2.)
  • To login, you should provide some data. (this is not mandatory.)
  • You can access the application and give what data you want.
  • However to access some features of the application this must be accurate data.
  • It is normal. If you want to be alarmed by overstepping the limits of the parameters to be kept, current with the state of evolution of variables (temperature, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.), you want to be informed directly your doctor, etc to log in with a valid phone number or an email address.
smartphone menu

img 1.


img 2.

  • 3) You must fill in the following:
  • Full Name, ex. Constantin Marian
  • Sex: Male or Female
  • Age
  • Phone
  • Email Address

If you do not want to give specific dates, give what data you want, but you must fill in “all fields” in order to open the application. Once this step is passed, you will see a screenshot like the one on the right.

If you want to resume recording (to cancel) you just click on the “Not You? Create New Account.” You can register as many people as you want, you can create groups (eg. Family), organizations (kindergartens, nursing homes, companies), etc.

Once the account has been created you can use the app by tapping the desired person’s name.


img 3.


Features : Up arrow

Acting sign we open the next page – img 4.

With it, you will be able to send your results via email wherever you want.

You can phone to record in SD card results, along with other important data like blood group, if you suffer from a disease (diabetes, insulin or do not, blood pressure, etc.), allergies, anything you think is important.

We recommend that you carry this card with you. It is best to wear a visible place (idea is to buy a port like those using US troops for boys, or a custom pendants for females). Send an SMS you receive confirmation – img 5.

You can print the results, save them as PDF in Google Drive or to connect your printer using Google Cloud Print.


img 4.


img 5.

Collecting data

You can make a note (in Notes) anything you think is important, data on the diet (what you eat, drink, symptoms), how many hours I slept,appointments with specialists, etc. img 6.

All results will be recorded in a chart assigned to each analysis – img 7.
This graphic recording is extremely important, it can help us, along with notes (Notes) to significantly improve health.

We will return in more detail in chapter About, on this important work.


Features : Down arrow

To go back to main page use the “down arrow” symbol.


img 6.


img 7.


Another function is acting on this sign

This will activate the alarm in case of overcoming limits. It is positioned in the right bottom of screenshots for each analysis.

Alarming can be done by:

  • Sound
  • Vibration
  • Phone call
  • SMS

In the chapter” About”, we’ll send the details about specific limits permissible, recommended, etc. Also, it is advisable to apply the recommendations of your doctor.

Manual/BTThis symbol will allow us to choose the recording analysis; manual or Bluetooth

By accessing the following screenshot will appear.

Also in the chapter, About, we will explain how record, what steps must follow.

Input Method

Manual Input – Temperature



Also in the main page in the upper right, above, see this sign.

If you login, you can reach medical chart page, where you can find all the results of analyzes performed.

Here you can find the latest results recorded in each module. By accessing the avatar, you can customize your page with a photo from your archive.

On the main page, top, find a stamp with the title Calculate BMI.

About this (img 8.) and other details, indications for use of the app you will find in chapter “About”.

img 8.

If you want to delete a user, use the red button at the bottom of the page of medical records.